Monday, October 27, 2014

Lying in your Career Search

I just read a good article from Monster via Yahoo called - What Really Happens When you Lie on Your Resume.  It’s a good read and is something that I feel pretty passionate about.  As you can see below it’s something that I've written about extensively:

So… I think that we have established that lying is a cardinal sin in a career search.  So instead of asking what will happen if I lie in my career search?  Instead, the better question is, how do I bring up difficult and embarrassing subjects in the interview process?  Below are three common situations and how to handle them.

You have a record
There is no easy way around this. If you have a criminal record you are better suited to bring it up earlier rather than later.  What kind of criminal offenses can hurt you?  Here are the big ones – theft, assault, drunk driving (if the job requires driving) and other felonies. (Bonus tip – Google your name and see what pops up – if it is one the first page you should bring it up…)  A lot of people  take the approach of waiting until the last minute to bring up a deal breaker like this – their thinking is that if you make the employer fall in love with you then they might overlook it.  This is like proposing to someone and then telling them that you are still married…  Instead, you should look to discuss it in the first interview.  You might end things prematurely but at least you aren't going to waste your time with further interviews. 

You got fired
I've written about this extensively as well.  If your boss comes in and says things aren’t working out and you say I agree, I quit.  You were still fired.  People say that it was a mutual decision all of the time and it sounds stupid.  Instead of skirting the truth you should dive in and say that he position didn't work out.  Share why it didn't work out and what you have learned from it.  Tell them how it made you a better person and future employee.

You can read more about this here:

You have gaps in employment
  People have gaps in employment for a variety of reasons.  Some people feel the need to fudge dates on a resume to hide them.  Bad idea!  Instead you need to craft a narrative about what you have been doing or were doing during your time off.    It’s pretty easy but sometimes people are worried about how it looks.  If you took your time because you wanted the summer off – then say it.  The right company for you will like this.

Over the years I've found one truism about lying in the interview process.  People  do it to try and preserve a chance at jobs that won’t happen anyway.  Telling the truth might stop some interviews dead in their tracks, but I honestly believe that they probably wouldn't have worked out anyway.  So tell the truth and focus your efforts  on the opportunities that will work for you!

That’s all I've got for today.  Have a great week and as always please feel free to leave comments below or email me at

Check out some of my recent articles on the blog here:

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